Presentation of the report ”Realization of Economic and Social Rights of Internally Displaced People in Serbia”

At the end of December, the A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights presented the report that resulted from a project “Local Integration of Internally Displaced Persons in Serbia” conducted with support of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The report“Realization of Economic and Social Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Serbia”  shows main obstacles internally displaced persons face in exercising economic and social rights necessary for their local integration. Those obstacles refer to registration of permanent residence and access to personal documents as a prerequisite for exercising economic and social rights, as well as access to health and social protection and adequate housing.

The analysis of available data, public policies adopted and action plans for their implementation, as well as the regulatory impact assessment show that problems internally displaced persons face in exercising economic and social rights are not resolved yet. In that respect, the most vulnerable are internally displaced Roma who, most often, do not have possibility to access fundamental human rights that would enable local integration. Furthermore, the report emphasizes the main recommendations for the promotion of local integration of internally displaced persons in Serbia.