Reclaiming Privacy: A Tool to Fight Oppression

Donor: Republic of Serbia European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

Project duration: January 2020 – March 2022

The main goal of this project A 11 Initiative is implementing together with Partners for Democratic Change Serbia and other partnering organisations is to support human rights defenders, CSOs, and vulnerable groups in protecting the right to privacy as a tool to fight against systems of oppression. The Action addresses some of the worrying tendencies in the Republic of Serbia such as the impact of digital surveillance, information leakage, online harassment, and privacy invasion by government and media and their negative affect on freedom of expression and political activism both online and offline, especially for human rights defenders, CSOs, and vulnerable groups most at risk.

Some of the activities will be:

  • Human rights defenders, CSOs, and vulnerable groups protection of privacy and personal data, through the provision of legal aid and support;
  • Documentation of human rights and privacy violations;
  • Establish Online Human Rights and Privacy Documentation Platform;
  • Reporting on implementation of privacy-related legal framework;
  • Media monitoring.