Listen, learn, act – cooperation for Roma inclusion
Donor: Olof Palme International Center
Project duration: January 2016 – December 2019
The goal of the project that we have been implementing though the four-year-long support of the “Olof Palme“ International Center is to empower the Roma community and enable individuals from said community to realize their economic and social rights, particularly the right to work.
Throught the first two years of project implementation, projects and policies realted to economic empowerment of Roma in Serbia have been mapped, and two models for economic empowerment of Roma have been tested – the improvement of the process of secondary raw material gathering for those that gather them, and support for Roma women that finished informal vocational programs so that they could implement their own money-earning activities.
The following activities have been envisioned for the third year of project implementation:
- support to local Roma communities aimed at intitiating initiatives for economic empowerment;
- preparation of a manual for implementing local initiatives aimed at the promotion of rights or economic empowerment of Roma and other marginalized groups and communities.