Donor: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Project duration: January 2020 – December 2020
The goal of the project that we are implementing with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is to contribute to the local integration of the most vulnerable internally displaced persons by strengthening the protection of their human rights, namely their right to adequate housing and social protection, as well as other legal issues that hinder internally displaced persons in exercising those rights.
The project is divided into several clusters:
- Protection of rights, provision of information and representation of at least 640 internally displaced persons in front of administrative bodies and courts in the Republic of Serbia, as well as follow-up of 2019 cases;
- advocating for the improvement of the legal framework and public policies related to economic and social rights of internally displaced persons;
- Presenting the problems internally displaced persons are facing when attempting to realize their economic and social rights via implementing a public campaign on their rights;
- Impowering local communities to seek better realization of their economic and social rights;
- Development of a proposal for the improvement of the realization of economic and social rights of internally displaced persons in Serbia;
- Creating analysis on Implementation of the Law on Free Legal Aid, Monitoring results for the National Strategy for solving the problems of Refugees and IDPs and Baseline study on access to economic and social rights of IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia.