Improved capacities and resilience of CSOs in Serbia to protect economic and social rights of Roma and migrants in the aftermath of Covid–19 pandemic

Donor: Delegation to the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Project duration: June 2021 – March 2023


The main goal of this project which Initiative A 11 is implementing together with Roma Forum of Serbia, Public Policy Research Centre and International Rescue Committee is to strengthen community responses and resilience for better protection of economic and social rights during and in the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic and strengthen capacities for dealing with future emergency situations. This project also has an aim to help the most vulnerable Roma, refugees and migrants by providing them with adequate legal support and protection.


Some of the main activities:

  • Free legal aid provision to Roma and migrants;
  • Collection of testimonies from most vulnerable Roma and migrants about their situation during and in the aftermath of the pandemic;
  • Preparation of evidence-based policy paper on the impact of Covid-19 on the respect of ESRs of Roma and migrants in Serbia;
  • Capacity building activities for CSOs working with Roma and migrants.