Citizens in action for social and economic rights

Donor: Open Society Foundation
Project duration: October 2019 – December 2020.

The main goal of the project is to improve economic and social rights through the involvement of citizens in local processes for monitoring the exercise of these rights. Based on the monitoring of the implementation of economic and social rights, which is based on the experience of the citizens themselves, they will improve citizens’ understanding of these rights and find models for their more active participation in advocacy processes for their realization.

The following activities are foreseen during the implementation of this project:

  • Mapping, contacting and working with communities at risk of economic and social rights with a focus on multi-discriminated communities such as Roma, displaced persons, people living in extreme poverty and beneficiaries of social assistance;
  • Empowering at least three local communities that have problems in the realization of economic and social rights;
  • Organizing and conducting advocacy campaigns to address specific issues relevant to the realization of economic and social rights previously identified in working together with three local communities;
  • Two-day training for non-governmental organizations, initiatives, activists and activists involved in the realization of economic and social rights;
  • Reporting on the state of economic and social rights.