Milijana Trifković

Legal Coordinator 

Milijana Trifković graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, where she also completed her master’s studies in International Law. She has been part of the A11 Initiative since its inception, working as the Legal Coordinator. Since 2008, Milijana has been actively engaged in the protection of human right and provision of free legal aid o members of vulnerable groups. She is currently attending doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade (with a particular focus on International Law).  Milijana has authored and co-authored several publications related to the access to basic human rights, including the right to trial within a reasonable time, prevention of statelessness and protection from discrimination. She is particularly interested with problems stateless individuals face, as well with the impact of judicial and quasi-judicial bodies on the improvement of socioeconomic rights. You can contact Milijana via email at: