
The A11 Initiative is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organisation which promotes and protects the rights of individuals from vulnerable, marginalized and discriminated groups, with a particular focus on economic and socials rights.


Let us introduce the A 11 Initiative Team that is working on advancing of economic and social rights in Serbia.


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Strengthening Participation in Adequate Housing for Socioeconomically Vulnerable Groups

This project aims to empower rights to adequate housing in the Republic of Serbia through better dialogue between citizens, CSOs, and public authorities. The project strives to achieve enhanced dialogue between CSOs, citizens, and decision-makers on the creation of urban policies and their impact on the right to housing and vulnerable groups and to increase capacities of citizens and CSOs for monitoring the implementation of policy impact assessments and regulations.

Combating Homelessness in The Western Balkans

The main aim of this project is to improve the quality of life and contribute to the social inclusion of homeless people and those at risk of homelessness. This project will strengthen and expand the provision of multidisciplinary services in Serbia and North Macedonia in order to reduce the harm caused by homelessness and strengthen social inclusion.


Social Rights Days

“Social Rights Days” is a manifestation organized by the A 11 Initiative, held for the first time in May 2022. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the forced eviction of the informal Roma settlement “Belvil”, an exhibition of photographs by Sanja Knežević and Nikola Radić Lucati was presented, a panel discussion on regional perspectives of economic and social rights was held, and the A 11 Initiative annual report on the state of economic and social rights in Serbia was presented.  

Life in Uzun Mirkova

The short documentary film “Life in Uzun Mirkova” shows the problems faced by internally displaced persons – beneficiaries of social housing settlement in Uzun Mirkova Street in Požarevac. Using the example of this settlement, the film illustrates the wider problem of the unsustainability of existing models of social housing in sheltered conditions and their unaffordability for those who are most vulnerable. 


“Salvatore” is a movie about Roma men and women who are living in the city of Bujanovac, in the last collective centre in Serbia, 20 years after they were internally displaced from Kosovo.

This movie was created under the “Improved local integration of internally displaced persons through enhanced access to social rights” project funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Homelessness in Serbia

A significant number of people in Serbia are in a situation of homelessness, and an even larger number of people are at risk of becoming homeless. This film shows the problems these people face, from the perspective of organizations that are providing support to this vulnerable social group.

This movie was created with the support of Olof Palme International Center.