Author: a11initiative

More than 600 residents in the settlement of Kamendin in Zemun Polje, the largest settlement of social housing in Belgrade, have been on the brink of survival for months, pressed by debts for housing costs and enforcement procedures for debt collection. At the moment, more...

The City of Belgrade and a consortium made up of the companies Suez, Itochu and Marguerite, which are building a waste incinerator at the Vinča landfill with the financial support of the EBRD, have failed to uphold the standards of this bank in relation to the...

On 15 November 2020, A 11 Initiative submitted its comments to the Committe on the Rights of the Child in line with the Committee’s call for comments on the text of the Draft General Comment no. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital...

The A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights filed a complaint on October 30th, 2020, to the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) against Studio B television, because the host of the show “Morning with Sanja” has presented some inappropriate and racist attitudes aimed...